Wednesday, December 3, 2008

lacarnum inflamare

i hate the dark. when it engulfs me i feel like I'm suffocating and in danger. not so much when i'm indoors, but outdoors, who knows what's lurking in the shadows. my father just told me to go throw away the trash. i refused, because of my phobia, and ran away. HE KNOWS I'M SCARED OF RAPISTS BEHIND OUR DUSTBIN. WHY? WHY MUST HE CONTINUE TO TORTURE ME LIKE THIS? usually he makes me do it, but today i managed to get away in time. WHO KNOWS? next time i may be forced into the icy blackness and become a sitting duck for madmen in my neighbourhood.

i also have a pimple and i want to avada it's ass.

i'm going all cilla and double posting like the freak she is (:


nicole said...

Sorry, you're linked now, I thought you deleted your old blog

nicole said...

BTW aloe bottles suck balls!
gee, all that trouble for it.