Friday, December 19, 2008


i nearly had a heart attack. i accidentally end processed when my firefox was updating, and then when i tried to run firefox it kept on coming up with this annoying little pop up saying there was an error, meaning, i would be doomed to use internet explorer for the rest of my life O: but no worries, i reinstalled firefox (: and that was the story of my day.
OH YEAH i went job hunting with cilla (amy and davina decided to be gay) and i forgot my resume since i was supposed to meet cilla at 12, and i woke up at 12.07 so i just kind of ran out of the house, and i also forgot my 25% everything at general pants co voucher :( so yes, i think cilla may have gotten a job at donut king O: JEALOUS. just because i do sport after school. BUT I WOULDN'T GIVE UP BASKETBALL EVEN IF I GOT A JOB AT LOUIS VUITTON
i thought it would be cold today :(

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