Monday, November 10, 2008

vanilla exam flavoured shit

7 more exams to go ): next year i will prevail and be like academic excellence and top a subject and sit at the front and be smart.

we triumphed over minotaurs today, however, it was probably in our best interests to lose, so that we can go to the lower division and conquer that, but it's against our morals. the game was very dissatisfying today, as we had to play on a smaller court WITHOUT a 3-point line :( now anna's free from doing 50 laps for another 2 weeks. and i am free from being on basketball ban next monday, AND WE HAVE A BYE, so i was like, fine, we'll have training, BUT NO. MY LITTLE SISTER HAS SOME CRAP CHOIR CONCERT AT THE OPERA HOUSE SO I HAVE TO GO TO THAT AND THEN I HAVE MY OWN CHOIR PRACTISE AND THEN ON SUNDAY I WAS GOING TO GO PARRA BUT I HAVE TO GO TO THE THING THAT MY CHOIR PRACTISES FOR. so hopefully i can jig on friday with cilia.

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