Friday, November 28, 2008

purple people eater

i just watched twilight, yes simone, the movie. and it was, BAD. IT WAS HORRIBLE. THEY RUINED THE BOOK. OUT OF 10 I GIVE IT 5. only one bit was squeal-worthy and it lasted for two seconds. WHY WAS IT BAD? some points from the top of my head:
  • edward's voice sounded really high, like a prepubescent boy
  • his accent was peculiar. they should've just stayed with english
  • they were wayyy too calm when james was tracking them
  • their acting is so fake
  • bella is wearing CONVERSE to prom!?
  • and at prom they're supposed to be gliding, WALTZING, but they were just rocking from side to side awkwardly
  • bella's lullaby was just random chords put together repeated a few times
  • edward in the sun? the only thing that made it sparkly was the music.
I AM SO PEEVED. this is what i have been looking forward to for a year, and OME, no i can't even use OME anymore. it's ruined the book for me. I SO ANGER.

on a more postive note: basketball training tomorrow :D, semis on monday :D and group kris kringle on tuesday.

1 comment:

cilla said...

you made me even more interested in watching it.

so stupidly, i downloaded it last night and fuck, i can think of a few thousand things that i could be doing instead.

edward sounded like he had some kind of disability that disabled his ability to speak properly.

and i screamed when i saw jacob. literally.