Monday, October 13, 2008

mr payne is a pain

i detest mr payne. he thinks he knows bball. we played bball for sport and OME EPIC FAIL!
  1. we couldn't find the turning pole so we had to use the netball hoop, WHAT IN LE WORLD?
  2. it was 100 degrees and i was wearing rabens so my feet got barbecued
  3. my payne is a freaking noob ref
he was like, CONTACT when someone touches someone, and we're like, IT'S NOT NETBALL and he's like, HEY I KNOW THE RULES OKAY, and we're like NO, YOU DON'T, and he's like, DO YOU THINK YOU KNOW THE RULES BETTER, and we're like, YES ACTUALLY WE DO THINK SO. and he called two shots when anna blocked someone when she was driving in, and i was like, IT'S ONLY IF THEY'RE SHOOTING AND YOU HIT THEIR ARM. and we were very unhappy because it was hot and we were like :'( so me and anna just sat out

so after we had training. JAVIER AND UNCLE ARE SO NICE D: they brought food and drinks and then uncle went out and bought icecream! *sobs* we played 2 on 2 javier and anita vs me and zarina. WTH UNFAIR PAIRINGS MUCH? cause anita is like best on the team, sorry zarina haha and javier is just javier. i fell over D: but it's okay, i just didn't want to get the ball dirty. when i got home my feet were like DEAD TTM like the balls of my feet hurt (TEEHEE BALLS) but there weren't any blisters and my back really hurts :'(

ANYWAY i'm going to do maths hw now, but i will probably fail and go to sleep.


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